BlueLibs documentation

OBEXFtpConnection Members

OBEXFtpConnection overview

Public Static (Shared) Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object instances are considered equal.
ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.

Public Instance Constructors

OBEXFtpConnection Constructor Initializes a new instance of the OBEXFtpConnection class.

Public Instance Properties

Connected (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Returns the current status of the connection. When set this property it performs connect or disconnect actions. The value set in design time is not persisted.
Container (inherited from Component) Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
Device (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Returns and sets an IDevice implementer class that represents a selected device to connect to.
MaxOBEXPacketLen (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Sets the maximum length supported for the OBEX packets. Actual packet length depends on what packet length the server supports. Check the property after establishing the connection to get actual used packet length.
OBEXClientHandle (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Returns OBEXClient or descendant object that handles current connection.
ReceiveTimeout (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Sets the timeout to use on receive in milliseconds
SendTimeout (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Sets the timeout to use on send in milliseconds
Site (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) See Site
UseAsyncComm (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Set to true to use asynchronous communication through socket.
UseService Returns FTP Service UUID that is used to connect to remote device.

Public Instance Methods

ChangeDir Changes the current directory to the specified child directory.
Connect (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Connects to the specified in UseService service of the specified remote device in Device property. If device is not specified, opens a dialog to choose from a list of available remote devices.
CreateDir Creates a new directory under the current directory.
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
DirUp Changes current directory back to the parent directory.
Disconnect (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) if connected, disconnects and release resources.
Dispose (inherited from Component)Overloaded. Releases all resources used by the Component.
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetDirList Get the current directory of FTP server.
GetFile Get a file with AFileName from the FTP server.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
PutFileOverloaded. Sends a file to the FTP server.
Remove Removes a specified file or an empty directory on the FTP server.
RemoveDir Removes a specified directory on the FTP server. The method does a recursive directory tree deleting.
ToString (inherited from Component) 

Public Instance Events

Disposed (inherited from Component) Adds an event handler to listen to the Disposed event on the component.
OnConnectionChanged (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Fires on changing connection status.
OnDirectoryChanged Fires on changing directory content when it needs to be refreshed.
OnReceiveFileProgress Fires on each received file chunk, to trace the file receiving progress.
OnSendFileProgress Fires on each sent file chunk, to trace the file sending progress.

Protected Instance Properties

DesignMode (inherited from Component) Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
Events (inherited from Component) Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
ServiceID (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Service UUID to use to connect to remote device.

Protected Instance Methods

ConnectionChanged (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase) Is called when connection status is changed
CreateOBEXClientHandle Overrides base method to return OBEXFtpClient object that provides FTP connection handling.
DirectoryChanged Is called whenever a directory content is changed - when changing current directory or on a file/directory adding/removing.
Dispose (inherited from OBEXConnectionBase)Overloaded. Releases all resources used by the Component.
Finalize (inherited from Component) Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetService (inherited from Component) Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
RemoveDirTree Does recursive deleting of a specified directory tree.

See Also

OBEXFtpConnection Class | BlueLibs.Components Namespace